Photo of Delia Velekson Argentina

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Study the National School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, teaching painting at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredn. Curstalleres with teachers Carlos Torrellardona, Oscar Capristo, Ada Carballo, Beatriz Varela ARRIGUTTI Freire and sculpture. Exhibitions: 2006 Art Classical Invulnerable as the gods Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges to 20 years of his death. 2005 Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of...

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Photo of Delia Velekson Argentina

Study the National School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, teaching painting at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredn. Curstalleres with teachers Carlos Torrellardona, Oscar Capristo, Ada Carballo, Beatriz Varela ARRIGUTTI Freire and sculpture. Exhibitions: 2006 Art Classical Invulnerable as the gods Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges to 20 years of his death. 2005 Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of San Isidro Award Roberto Di Paolo (1 Mention). 2004 Centro Cultural Borges: A tribute to the creative minds creativity. First Autumn Salon of Painting. Roberto Di Paolo Award (2 Awards). Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of San Isidro. Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 2003 Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of San Isidro. 2002 Max Art Gallery. Prague. Czech Republic. Art Gallery Foundation, Santiago de Chile. Crculo Foundation scientist and doctor of Vicente López. Notaries Association of San Isidro. PROARTE 2001 Centro Costa Salguero Buenos Aires. Four women facing south. Directorate of Culture of Tierra del Fuego. 2000 Association of Notaries of San Isidro. Crculo Foundation scientist and doctor of Vicente López. MARC CAN Galera 1999. Girona. Spain. Cultural Center of multiple uses. Bariloche. Argentina. Cultural Center of Ro Gallegos. Argentina. 1998 Quinta Trabucco With Culture. Historical Museum of the Argentine Army. Leonardo Avalos EDENOR OSPLAD Contemporary Art Galley. Stock Exchange and Community College in Mar del Plata. OAS (Organization of American States) 1997 OAS (Organization of American States) Sun Gallery of South Beach. Miami. USA Sheraton Hotel. Insurance Expo 97. Buenos Aires. Historical Museum of the Argentine Army. Crculo Foundation scientist and doctor of Vicente López. Honorable City Council of the Municipality of Vicente López. Embassy of Argentina in 1996 Belgium. Argentine Consulate in Belgium. Galerie Du Nud Daigle. Profondeville. Belgium. Libr art. International Art Salon. Libramont, Chevigni. Belgium. Represented by Leonardo Avalos Contemporary Art Galley. Alfredo Center, Alliance Française Fortabat Teatro Presidente Alvear. Tangomana. MDIC circle Vicente López. Form of tiny living room. Andreani Foundation. Hotel Plaza Mayor. Cologne. Uruguay. Cambalache patio. Punta del Este. Uruguay. Sponsored by the Embassy of Uruguay. 1995 National Commission of Atomic Energy Community (permanent exhibition) FEMEBA HEALTH. MDIC Cculo Vicente López. Organized by the Sociedad Argentina de plastic artist. Telecom. Chess circle. Municipal shark Chess Ruy López de Sigura Fray, Second International Pro-Am Tournament. Casa de la Cultura. Municipality of Vicente López. Between us, organized by the Sociedad Argentina de Artistas plastic. Art Gallery Art Graditas BA95 Cultural Center Recoleta. Casa de la Cultura de Vicente Lopez, invited to exhibit in honor of International Women's Da. 1994 Italian National Cultural Association. Galera FESP Art Gallery Foundation Dyanira. Argentine Art Expresiny presence. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Casa de la Cultura de Vicente López. Salon de Tango. Raggio Museum. La Barraca de Yurema. Punta del Este. Uruguay. Casa de la Cultura de Vicente López. Hall of Pequeo format. Cablevisin 1993. MDIC circle Vicente López. La Imprenta La Cuadra. First Spring Salon (Special Mention). Art Galley dimension. Winter Salon. (1 Mention). 1992 Ateneo Popular Esteban Echeverria. Hall of Otoo. (2 Awards). II Salon of Plastic Arts of the Argentina Association of Actors. (2 Mention). Popular Ateneo Esteban Echeverria 1977. Hall of Otoo. (1 Mention). Club Nautico San Isidro 1976. Santa Mara Biennial of Buenos Aires. Shows Artists International Argentina Brasilea .. Librera Espaola. Cultural Department, Embassy of Spain. 1975 Palais de Glace. III Contest of Plastic Arts. Her works are in private collections in Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Belgium and Egypt. In Argentina, his works are on permanent exhibition at the National Commission of Atomic Energy Community, Crculo Chess Ruy López de Sigura Fray, Alfredo Fortabat of Alliance Francaise, Embassy of Argentina in OAS Egypt. Professional Actuacin formparte from 1997 to 1999 the Policy Commission of the Northern Area plastic artist, organizing conferences, exhibitions and competitions. Participcomo jury in painting competitions organized by the Casa de la Cultura de San Isidro, Casa de la Cultura de Vicente Lopez, in Crculo Association Medical and scientists from Vicente López . His work appears in various publications in art magazines, notes in different media, television, radio and also in the book of contemporary artists Argentinos. Desempea currently teaches at his own workshop in drawing, painting and creative development, organizing samples also for their students. As teachers are desempea, besides, in the Recoleta Cultural Center, with seminars on texture within the discipline of painting, the color and excitement of watercolor nude, also has its by the annual course in Drawing and Workshops Painting.

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